Friday, September 05, 2008

The SIMPLE Story

journeyfellowship is excited about this upcoming this focus on the holy scriptures. At JF we love to keep things SIMPLE - The Story does just that. In 31 weeks we will look at the over-arching story of the Bible. Scholars call it the meta-narrative. I call it THE story.

Wannabe Bible students often become intimidated by the 2 parts, 66 books, 1,189 chapters, 31,103 verses, and dozens of words they don't understand. This study will bring SIMPLICITY to the study of the Bible by helping understand the story of God and his people as we survey the various stories of God's people.

In addition to a study guidebook called The Story, we will provide small groups study guides, family devotionals, personal study devotionals. These can be downloaded from

These will be great resources for your family and for you personally to use to reach out to our community. Use them to help us achieve our dream of having a real presence in every neighborhood in northeast San Antonio and beyond.

Please join us on the journey through the scriptures, our whole family will spend the whole year (school year) through the whole bible.