Friday, September 05, 2008

The SIMPLE Story

journeyfellowship is excited about this upcoming this focus on the holy scriptures. At JF we love to keep things SIMPLE - The Story does just that. In 31 weeks we will look at the over-arching story of the Bible. Scholars call it the meta-narrative. I call it THE story.

Wannabe Bible students often become intimidated by the 2 parts, 66 books, 1,189 chapters, 31,103 verses, and dozens of words they don't understand. This study will bring SIMPLICITY to the study of the Bible by helping understand the story of God and his people as we survey the various stories of God's people.

In addition to a study guidebook called The Story, we will provide small groups study guides, family devotionals, personal study devotionals. These can be downloaded from

These will be great resources for your family and for you personally to use to reach out to our community. Use them to help us achieve our dream of having a real presence in every neighborhood in northeast San Antonio and beyond.

Please join us on the journey through the scriptures, our whole family will spend the whole year (school year) through the whole bible.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We Need You... commit to a weekly community group.
This is how we carry out the ministry of JF as a community and into the community. hang around on Sundays and volunteer.
Three areas in great need of coverage over the next few weeks.
  1. Greeters/Hospitality
  2. Prayer Partners
  3. Material Distribution for THE STORY

If you think you might be able to help in any of these areas call the office 651-1463 or email

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Did he have to talk about money???

Sunday I mentioned a great teaching series on what the bible says about finances/money. If you have itunes you can get it there under podcasts.

For the rest of us, it is not yet posted on the northpointe website so I guess you will have to wait a few weeks. Keep checking though...

If you have questions about giving/tithing, pick up a copy of our brochure on GIVING in the new MAP ROOM (Information Center).

Thanks for to all of you who stepped up to partnership. About 25 family units made a new commitment to this body.

Thanks to all who remembered to bring their offering from last week. This week was an outstanding response to the church's financial needs.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The New Journey Fellowship Website

Hey Fellow Journeyers,

As you can see, we are working on a new version of Look around, and then leave a comment here. Tell us what you like, what you dislike, any bugs you find, etc. We'll incorporate your feedback into the final version of the site.

Hope you like it!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

further comments AT THE CROSSROADS


Before discussing Matthew 6:21 & 22, the verses we skipped over in the CROSSROADS message, I want to point you to a CNN story regarding wealth and need as we discussed this past sunday.

Now on with the message of Matthew 6. The word translated good (NIV)/healthy (NRSV) and the word tranlated evil(NIV)/unhealthy(NRSV) can be translated GENEROUS and GREEDY respectively. These seem to make more sense in the context.

As for the whole thing about the eyes being the lamp of the body, it was believed by some in ancient times that light actually shone out of the body through the eyes. Others suggest that the eyes were like a window and good or evil came inside through them. (A good commentary will chase down all the arguements.) Regardless of which explanation of the "eye/body" statemetns (and there are more than 2) the overall metaphor remains. When it comes to STUFF (Mammon in greek, Money in NIV) we often follow our eyes OR our eyes see some thing and it triggers something inside us to "go and get it." Jesus is calling a spade a spade and saying that the way we see stuff is a function of what goes on inside with regard to the stuff. FURTHERMORE, if we add back in the translation of GENEROSITY/GREEDY for GOOD/EVIL. Then we realize that GENEROSITY is a sign of true followers of Christ who have surrendered to his kingdom.

It seems to me, if you put last weeks texts and this weeks texts together (which Matthew did) then we can say GENEROSITY is a spiritual discipline. I believe it to be a discipline that is helpful to rich and poor alike to "fill us with light."

Monday, June 23, 2008

Opening Week!

Set your calendars for Opening Week!

Open Hands
The Church has Left The Building
July 13, 9 and 11am
Show our Community the Love of God in a Practical Way

Open Hearts
Dedication Celebration
July 13, 5pm
Praise God for our new facility and commission new Senior Minister Randy Frazee

Open House
"No Strings Attached" Open House
July 19 10am-4pm
Show our community how the Blue Bonnet has changed!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Taking our mission seriously, and ourselves less so

Yesterday we discussed Jesus' call in the sermon on the mount for the people of God to be salt and light. We said that salt, by it's very nature, cannot help but change and add value to it's environment. We also said that light, by it's very nature, cannot help but drive out darkness. When we live as salt and light, we are being what God created us to be: We were created to point the way to God.

Imagine what the world would be like if Christians took this mission very seriously, and themselves less so? What would it be like if every element of society was improved by our salt? What if all the darkness of our society was blasted out by the light of God? Take a moment to comment on how your immediate world-your workplace, school, neighborhood, etc.-would be changed by salt and light.

One great aspect of taking our mission seriously is that we don't have to take ourselves so seriously. Jesus says that when we let our light shine, people will see our good deeds and praise God. Learning to laugh at ourselves will help us take the focus off ourselves, and place it on the mission of God.

You might find a few laughs at These are jokes and do not neccessarily represent the opinions of Journey Fellowship or it's leadership.

For some scholarly takes on the idea of being salt of the earth, you can read some articles here and here; and try here for more on the ideas on being the light of the world.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Many of you expressed interest in the video that Mario showed during Directions part IV.

The video is called "Dust" and is a part of a short film series called "Nooma." To learn more about Nooma, visit, or search for Nooma on iTunes.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


One of the intriguing features of Matthew’s gospel is his use of Old Testament references and hints to point us to the validity of Jesus. Jesus, points out Matthew, is not a new thing. He is a culmination of God’s purpose throughout history – at least up to that point.

For example Matthew 2:6 But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will be the shepherd of my people Israel.

Matthew does this at least 5 times in the first two chapters (not counting the geneology). When he does this Matthew says or implies it is a fulfillment of an Old Testament expectation. You might notice that some of them are a stretch and one of them might simply be a word play (2:23 - I have a number of resources that chase this rabbit if you are interested.) This is how Jewish writers did it. We need not be concerned that prophecy and fulfillment are exact matches as a writer incorporates them.

Take a step back and see what Matthew is saying with the “pile on” of OT references. He seems to be saying: This story is valid because it is THE story – God’s Story - and Jesus is the main character we have been waiting for.

Which King will win out in your life?
Hint: King Jesus will be the last king standing.
What does that mean for you?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Welcome to the first blog entry on DIRECTIONS our new sermon series for disciples and disciple wannabes.

Here you will find:
  • supplemental material
  • chapters or topics not covered
  • links to downloadable versions of each message

Next Sunday, we will look at Matthew chapter 2 together. The topic: REDIRECTION.

That means we are skipping chapter 1. For that I refer you to the sermon given by Chris Morton during Advent 2007. I hope you enjoy it and it will prepare you for our look at chapter 2.


Directions, Part 0

Do you ever read a passage in the Bible and ask yourself, "why is this in here?"
One of the most seemingly irrelevant chapters of the Bible is Matthew chapter 1. On the outset, it looks like just a list of names. But with a deeper look, we find that it actually reveals to us who Jesus is, and what he has come to do.
To find out more, click on the link for "Journey Fellowship Podcast" on the left-hand side.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Welcome to the Journey Fellowship blog. This is simply another tool in our backback for the journey ahead. During the new JF teaching series DIRECTIONS. This will be a place for discussion and analysis of passages we skip over in Matthew as well as a place to discuss things that come up along the way.

Please stay tunded. Consider making this your homepage or at least adding it to favorites. We'll try to keep it brief, but we also want you to comment.

journey on!