Saturday, November 28, 2009

Let's Talk About Communion

Did Sunday's message on Communion spark some thoughts or inspire some questions. Let's blog about that here. Here's my closing paragraph to jog your memory.

We celebrate communion because it celebrate’s God’s rescuing us from slavery to sin and death. We celebrate it weekly because the messages of communion are central to who we are as Christ-followers. We celebrate it around tables in a simple attempt to restore community to communion.


malia said...

First off the sermon was fantastic. The Topic Perfect. I do think that as the body before we recieve communion should as a whole ask for forgivenes of our sins or at least be reminded to confess our sins in silence and ask for forgiveness before recieving communion.I have been attending JF for 5 months now and love it, the setting , the prayer ,the people. Would like to see more teachings as this one, presented in person, it adds a special ambiance and personalization to each of us, versus the prerecorded.

Dawn said...

I love that Journey celebrates communion in families. I grew up in a denomination where it felt very rote, and isolated... That spirit of "community at the table" is a blessing to me in my relationship with Christ.